HW 11/12

In society technology is everywhere. Even places that are so remote people have some sort or technology. Ted Kaczynski was very anti-technology. Ted Kaczynski otherwise known as the Unabomber was a domestic terrorist that bombed university’s, airlines and technology businesses, he ended up killing three people and injuring 23. He had a weird motive, he did it because of he thought technology would take over the world. Thought that he we would never be free from being controlled by technology he claimed that “freedom and technological progress are incompatible.” He means that technology will keep advancing even if we want it to stop. When I think of technology taking over I think of Syfy movies like iRobot and Terminator not real life where technology is so advanced that it is smarter than humans and can advance its self. Since Ted was so afraid of technology taking over the world he left his job as a professor and built a cabin in the mountains where he had no running water or electricity. He was truly off grid.

Reading how he ended up in mountains the article “The Unabomber Was Right” it reminded of a book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. In the book it follows a kid named Christopher McCandless on his journey to find a true transcendentalist lifestyle. Much like Kaczynski, McCandless graduated at the top of his class in college then left everything. He ended going all across the United States to get the Alaskan wilderness. No one really knows why he left such a good life. These two young men left society to pursue a self-sustaining life style but Kaczynski did it for other reasons than just that. Kaczynski was an extremist that wanted to bring light to the fact of technology is in control.

Questions I came up with Meghan:

Who else is hating tech advances?

Is there a point where we should stop?

What other tech is there?


One Reply to “HW 11/12”

  1. Interesting connection to McCandless. Have you read the book lately? What parts of it might make it into your paper?

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