HW 11/9/18

When I was starting to read the article about how the Una bomber was right I knew very little about the motive and who this guy really was. As I indulged myself on who is was I came upon what was his manifesto. In the article didn’t give his manifesto so I was curious on what he wrote so looked it and it is long. He talks about how technology and everything was ruining society and basically how the world was coming to an end because of scientist and big businesses. I did some research on who he was really was and he was a really smart guy. he went to Harvard and University of Michigan. I thought to myself were there any other genius terrorist or genius murderers. So, I looked up “genius murderers and terrorists”. Found the first site and it was “10 Murderers Who Used Their Genius IQs For Evil” some of the names I already recognized were Ted Bundy and Jeffery Dahmer. And right at the bottom was the Unabomber. I stated to then think well these are all from in the 1900s, what about more current day. I immediately thought for Stephen Paddock. I remember seeing a interview with his brother and his brother saying he was a genius and all of this stuff about how successful he was. The one thing we still don’t know about Stephen Paddock is why he did what he did. With the Unabomber he wrote a manifesto, but Stephen Paddock did none of that. When I thought about other manifestos I thought about Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. Back in high school I took economics and my teacher was obsessed with Karl Marx. When I say obsessed she told us she loves Karl Marx and how she thinks his manifesto is the thing that can save world. She would always pull quotes from Marx’s manifesto and tell us. the one thing that Marx and the Unabomber have in common was that they all pointed out flaws of a current system.

One Reply to “HW 11/9/18”

  1. That’s an interesting line of thought; there’s certainly stuff in there to write about.

    From your post, it’s hard for me to see exactly what reading you’re doing. I could really use article titles and authors, brief overviews, quotes, links…, all the things readers need when a writer is integrating his ideas with those of others.

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